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Dear readers,

We present you the interesting corners of the Earth thanks to the writings of Turkish travelers. We hope that our new series "Corners of a round Earth” will catch the interest and curiosity of travelers and readers alike. The purpose of this series is to present you a country or city with its culture. Most of the current workings that describe the remote corners of the globe unfortunately force the readers to imagine the places described because of a lack of photographs.  In our situation, each described place has been visited and photographed by the author in order to give concrete information and avoid the domains of plagiarism or translation. The positive feedback we received by our readers shows us that we are making progress. However, we know that we are only at the beginning of this huge road that is showing you every corners of this world.

Nowhere is as far as you think it is.

-Istanbul / Travel Different
-Unfulfilled Promises
-Secrets of Istanbul
-Tome of Istanbul
-Windows From Istanbul
-My Istanbulin
-Sultana Mahperi
-Brothers of the Same Land
-Unfulfilled Promises 2
-Unfulfilled Promises 1
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