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Murat Kefeli

Murat Kefeli was born in Beyoğlu, Istanbul. After having worked in radio stations like Genç Fm, Radyo 2000, Tempo Fm, he graduated in radio and television programming from Niğde University in 2000.

Because of the gradual hearing loss he experienced during his final year at the university, he left the radio department and started a career in internet publishing in 2000. He then wrote articles in his website mainly about comedy and criticism.

3 years after an accurate psychiatric diagnosis about his illness, it became clear that the cause of the hearing loss was neurological.  With his vision starting to fade aswell, he slowly became almost blind in 2007.

His first novel, “Mother why me?”, describes his life and was published by ODTÜ Yayıncılık in 2007. He then moved to fiction by writing the book  “Penceremden Gökyüzüne Sarkarken Aşk” and was published two times by GOA in 2008 before being edited for the third time by GiTa Yayınları. Lastly, His third novel “Veda Balesi”denounced the violence against women and was published by GiTa Yayınları in september 2012.

The now disabled writer Murat Kefeli lives in Belek, Antalya and is currently working on his fourth novel.

His Works

The Farewell Ballet:

Love when hanging out from my window toward the sky:

Other books by the author

The Farewell Ballet
Love when hanging out from my window toward the sky
-Istanbul / Travel Different
-Unfulfilled Promises
-Secrets of Istanbul
-Tome of Istanbul
-Windows From Istanbul
-My Istanbulin
-Sultana Mahperi
-Brothers of the Same Land
-Unfulfilled Promises 2
-Unfulfilled Promises 1
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